Easy Burlap Flower Pocket

SUPPLIES Large paint sticks White paint Paint brush Large piece of burlap Uphol­stery tacks Jute or ribbon Hot Glue Faux flow­ers I am so excit­ed to share this project. It was def­i­nite­ly one of those “ah-ha” moments in craft­ing. I just love it when a plan comes togeth­er. My inspi­ra­tion came from see­ing a tray made…

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Easy Farmhouse Candle Ring

SUPPLIES 2 Euca­lyp­tus stems (or stems of your choice) Flo­ral wire Wire cut­ters It seems like I am always lack­ing in green­ery around my home. If I am restyling a shelf or revamp­ing the cof­fee table I always feel like I am steal­ing my green­ery from oth­er areas of the house, leav­ing them lookin a lit­tle…

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DIY Recipe Card Holder

I seem to always have scrap wood laying around so why not put it to good use. I decided to resurrect the long forgotten woodpile and create some the cute and useful!

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Easy DIY Plant Stand

Bookshelves have always been a challenge for me. One I figured out a little pattern for styling it started to become easier. Believe it or not bookshelves are not just for books...gasp! Everyday things you have around your house like candlestick, spindles, and orbs are all perfect ways to add depth and character to your…

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5 Comfy Outdoor Spaces

I think choosing to focus on an area where I can unwind after the days stresses or relax with a cup of coffee is a THE definition of comfy. I have gathered some comfy spaces that would make it very difficult for me to complete anything on my outdoor to-do list.

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Upcycled Pine Cone Decor

I am not gonna lie this is one of those projects that when you first start it your like, “what the heck?” Or at least I was any­way. I had this grand vision of how it was sup­posed to look and let me just warn you you may be tempt­ed about 3 min­utes in to…

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Welcome to R+R

Hey y'all! I am so stinkin excited you have found your way to my "Roost" This is my happy place. When you're visiting I promise you will always get the real me.

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