No Sew Fabric Pumpkins

Ladies and gen­tle­man buck­le up because I have the cutest no sew fab­ric pump­kins to share with you today. I have always want­ed to try my hand at these but haven’t until now. Once you see how incred­i­bly easy it is to make them you’re gonna have them everywhere! 


Begin your no sew fab­ric pump­kins but glue the short ends togeth­er to cre­ate a seam.

Then gath­er up one end of the fab­ric and tie with a piece of jute and flip your fab­ric inside out where the gath­er is on the inside.

Stuff your pouch with poly­fil until it feels nice and full and close it up by gath­er­ing and tying just like before. This time you will have a small ruf­fle of fab­ric on top. 

easy no sew fabric pumpkin

Using just string wrap snug­ly and twist going the oppo­site direc­tion to cre­ate “grooves” in your pumpkin.

wrap jute twine around pumpkin

Hot glue your finial to the top cen­ter where the extra fab­ric was gathered.

glue finial to the top of the pumpkin

Embell­ish with green­ery and a bow for an added cute­ness fac­tor. Repeat the process for pump­kins of all shapes and sizes!

easy diy no sew fabric pumpkin
no sew fabric pumpkins

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