DIY Concrete Pedestal

Ok so it’s no secret that I love a thrifty planter makeover. I can usu­al­ly be found search­ing my local thrift store shelves at least once a week. I love the thrill of find­ing some­thing with good bones and breath­ing a fresh new life and pur­pose into it. In this case, a DIY con­crete pedestal.

This par­tic­u­lar thrifty makeover was a lit­tle extra fun sim­ply because I end­ed up using it for some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent than plants. If I am being super hon­est I can bare­ly keep plants alive so hav­ing an abun­dance of planters does­n’t add any val­ue to my life or stor­age clos­et so my brain went anoth­er direction.

This is what we were star­ing with. A super basic thrift­ed planter. Noth­ing spec­tac­u­lar. It was­n’t jump­ing off the shelf at me scream­ing take me home or any­thing but it was a good, sol­id lit­tle planter that deserved a sec­ond chance.

So let me give you a lit­tle back­ground on this tech­nique before we jump in. I saw a reel from one of my favorite blog­gers and DIY’ers My Vin­tage Porch and fell in love with the sim­plic­i­ty and qual­i­ty of faux con­crete trans­for­ma­tions. I have even tried a dif­fer­ent tech­nique of my own using tis­sue paper to achieve a sim­i­lar look in the past but if I am being hon­est I love this method so much more! 

If you want to try out this fin­ish­ing tech­nique for your­self, here is what you need to grab the next time you’re at your local hard­ware store

simple thrift store planter makeover

Begin by test­ing a small area of your sur­face with this method before going all in just to get a feel for the appli­ca­tion process. I start­ed dab­bing the sur­face of the planter with a t shirt rag and a small quar­ter to half dol­lar sized amount of crack filler on the cen­ter of the fold­ed rag.

diy farmhouse cement planter

I repeat­ed this process a cou­ple of times, test­ing var­i­ous amounts of crack filler until I found the right amount that left a raised sur­face behind. There are real­ly a cou­ple of ways you can go about this process. After the first coat of con­crete filler there will be small amounts of the orig­i­nal sur­face still visible. 

At this point you can make a deci­sion to go over the sur­face a sec­ond time for a more authen­tic con­crete fin­ish or leave it be. For me, I want­ed that heavy con­crete look and feel so I chose a sec­ond coat, and I am so glad I did!

diy farmhouse thrift store makeover

What real­ly turned this planter into pedestal was­n’t just the fin­ish but sim­ply turn­ing it upside down and styling with one of my favorite can­dles and can­dle rings from Roost and Restore Home made all the dif­fer­ence in the world. 

farmhouse decor makeover with greenery and mason jar candle


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