The New Craft Wood Club Topper and Base

I am so excit­ed to intro­duced the newest ver­sion of The Craft Wood Club! For the first time ever your crafty decor can now be inter­change­able with the Craft wood club top­per and base! Each mem­ber will now have the option to make their craft wood into an inter­change­able top­per to put on dis­play each month!

Here is how the top­pers work…

Every new mem­ber will receive a base with their first order along with that months EXCLUSIVE Craft Wood Top­per. Here is an exam­ple of what you will receive in your package.

craft wood club diy beehive decor topper

Each kit will now include an option­al adapter OR (predrilled dow­el hole) to attach to your com­plet­ed craft wood project. This is the attach­ment point where your cre­ation will stand with your base.

Sim­ply slide your craft wood cre­ation on top of the dow­el rod. DO NOT GLUE the dow­el to your project or base, we want to keep it inter­change­able, remember? 

craft wood club base

This is what the back of your new top­per will look like when attached to your base. It is remov­able and will stand on it’s own if you chose not to dis­play your craft project on the base. 

Craft wood club topper adapter and handmade spindle base

Dis­play your cre­ation in your home as a part of your decor in a vignette, stand alone, with a base or without…the pos­si­bilites are end­less! Each Craft Wood Club mem­ber will receive an exclu­sive­ly design craft project design by me and my team of local woodworkers. 

I am so excit­ed to lev­el up this sub­scrip­tion and pro­vide sub­scribers with an even more unique DIY expe­ri­ence. The Craft Wood Club is per­fect for sea­son and new crafters. I would love to have you join us and hun­dreds of oth­er women who are craft­ing their own beau­ti­ful decor!

craft wood club diy beehive topper

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