• Decor - Decor + Styling

    Winter Decor from Amazon

    Late­ly, I have been try­ing to embrace the cozi­ness the house can bring dur­ing the frigid Win­ter months. It can get quite dreery and drab out­side and it can most cer­tain­ly drag your mood down, espe­cial­ly after the twin­kle lights of Christ­mas have fad­ed. But lis­ten, just because the weath­er may be yuck and unwel­come, that does­n’t mean you have to feel that way in your home. I am a firm believ­er in sur­round­ing your­self with what makes you feel good and hap­py to be home.  With that being said, I have been on the hunt for sta­ple peices and Ama­zon…

  • DIY Projects

    Simple Winter Display Using Upcycled Garland and Painted Sticks

    Christ­mas is less than a week away and that means it will soon be time to start prepar­ing to tran­si­tion your home decor from fes­tive to some­thing more sea­son­al. I love dec­o­rat­ing for win­ter because by-nature things are more sim­ple. I love the shades of whites and woods found in nature dur­ing this time of year and it is the per­fect time to bring a lit­tle bit of the out­doors inside…where it’s warm. This project uti­lizes sticks from the yard, seri­ous­ly it does­n’t get any cheap­er AND upcy­cled gar­land that I found at the thrift store a cou­ple weeks ago. I…

  • DIY Projects

    How to Make a Pom Pom Pillow

    I have been eager to make a pil­low like this for a while now but had dif­fi­cul­ty jus­ti­fy­ing pay­ing retail price for one. So I did what any good DIY’er would do and I decid­ed to make one for myself. I want you to help you learn to repli­cate the look of pop­u­lar high end pil­lows with­out the cost! Join me and cre­ate your own DIY pom pil­low in just a few sim­ple steps.This look was inspired not only for my obses­sion for pil­lows but also from fel­low blog­ger Kar­i­anne Wood with Thistle­wood Farms. She does an amaz­ing job pre­sent­ing…