• Cooking

    How to Make Fresh Squeezed Country Lemonade

    There is sim­ply noth­ing like Fresh Squeezed Coun­try Lemon­ade in the Sum­mer time. I pairs well with a hot day by the pool or after weed­ing the gar­den in the scorch­ing Sum­mer heat. It’s refresh­ing in a light and cool­ing way and if you have nev­er had it fresh squeezed then you’re in for a real treat. You may nev­er go back to Coun­try Time again!  Lemon­ade can be served in a vari­ety of ways. Warm lemon­ade served with raw local hon­ey can help ease chest con­ges­tion and may also help soothe a sore throat and stuffy nose. This is a good tip…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    A Fresh Farmhouse Tablescape

    Tablescapes are becom­ing one of my very favorite things to cre­ate in my home. I real­ly like for them to non-tra­di­tion­al in a way. Like most of my decor, I enjoy shop­ping my own home for items that I can bring togeth­er for a cohe­sive look or theme with­out going out and buy­ing a bunch of new decor. I mean, if it’s alreayd in your home it is like­ly gonna already fit into your over­all theme. In addi­tion to not want­i­ng to spend a ton, I want­ed to cre­ate a tablescape that would wear well for an every day fresh…