Unique Ways to Use Wood Beads in Your Home Decor

If you are a lover of farm­house dec­o­rat­ing or even, most recent­ly, the trendy boho farm­house look then you have no doubt been see­ing how ver­sa­tile and beau­ti­ful wood beads can be in your décor. What I love about wood beads is that they are time­less. And they can make even the small­est of details in…

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DIY Rustic Island Counter Top

Sooo, as most of you may already know we have been steadi­ly work­ing on con­vert­ing an old dress­er into a kitchen island. My num­ber one goal out of this entire con­ver­sion process has been work­ing toward cap­tur­ing an old, just pulled out of a barn feel. I don’t know if that makes any sense to…

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Easy Silverware Pocket Using a Paper Bag

With Thanks­giv­ing on the hori­zon I have been dream­ing up ideas for styling the table. I was need­ing a lit­tle some­thing to add to my place set­tings and then it dawned on me.…I have about a mil­lion brown paper lunch bags my hus­band brought home a while back (don’t ask me why he brought so…

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