How to Make an Easy Patriotic Banner with Ribbon

I am excit­ed to share with you just how easy and beau­ti­ful this patri­ot­ic door hang­er can be with just a lit­tle wood plank and ribbon!  For me, patri­ot­ic decor around the home­stead always seems to be lack­ing. Sum­mer hol­i­days always seem to sneak up on me and I find myself scram­bling around last minute…

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DIY Walnut Wood Stain

I am so excit­ed to have made this DIY Wal­nut Wood Stain! It is a game chager for peo­ple who love to get their hands dirty and make things for them­self! The best part??? It only requires TWO, yes two, ingre­di­ents to pre­pare! It’s quick, easy and so beautiful! STEP ONE- GATHER NUTS From start…

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Tiered Tray From Thrifted Plates

Supplies Needed: 3 Thrift­ed Plates Spin­dles Knob E6000 Adhe­sive Spray paint I have always want­ed a rea­son to buy all the pret­ty lit­tle plates from the thrift store or yard sales. I have want­ed one of those beau­ti­ful tiered farm­house trays for what seems like for­ev­er but could nev­er bring myself to spend the mon­ey.…

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