Pop Up Antique Barn Sale

Y’all I caught wind of this adorable lit­tle barn sale hap­pen­ing this past week­end about 5 min­utes up the road! I thought to myself, “How in the world have you nev­er heard of this place before?” Need­less to say, I loaded up the kid­dos and my assis­tant Ken­zie and off we went.

We arrived at Feath­er­Stone Farm, which had the cutest lit­tle red barn with the doors propped open and breeze blow­ing through. The entry­ways were adorned in love­ly, nat­ur­al green­ery’s and the atmos­phere was just so.…charming. I could­n’t think of a bet­ter way to spend my after­noon oth­er than brows­ing the col­lec­tion of beau­ti­ful antiques, gaz­ing at the dried botan­i­cals and soak­ing in the sub­tle earthy aro­ma of local hand­made soaps and balms. 

red barn sale
buffalo check ribbon and garland

Y’all this is my heav­en! What you may not know about me, is I have a dream to open a shop one day, and see­ing anoth­er local cou­ple plant­i­ng seeds like this in our lit­tle com­mu­ni­ty makes my heart burst with excite­ment and my pas­sion burn deeper. 

I tru­ly believe we crave the whole­some­ness of a slow­er time, where we made things with our hands and savored the process of bring­ing things together. 

chippy table with antiques and florals
vintage sunflower art
wicker bowl and wooden utensils

I say all this to encour­age you to vis­it places like this one. Feath­er­Stone Farm is sit­u­at­ed on a quaint KY back­road. No signs, no ads. Word of mouth is what brought me to this place. Dri­ve the back­roads, make the trip to barn sales and pop up shops and sup­port the small busi­ness­es that have poured their heart into cre­at­ing a won­der­ful expe­ri­ence like the one I had!

barn sale with vintage chairs handing from the barn walls

So you may be won­der­ing what I brought home from the barn sale. Haha I’m glad you asked! I was drawn to the dried flow­ers and the old, yet clas­sic pieces like the gold brass bowl and wick­er pitch­er I pic­ture below. There was lit­er­al­ly so much charm it was dif­fi­cult for me to chose! 

dried flowers and cumberland rosemary candle

I did end up bring­ing home a local­ly made can­dle by Ken­tucky Girl Can­dles in addi­tion to my flo­rals, and can I just say, I LOVE the sub­tle scent of these can­dles. To me the smell reminds me of sit­ting on an old porch swing over with a rick­ety floor beneath my feet.…seriously so good. 

cumberland rosemary handmade candle

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