Do you have an old piece of decor that has seen a better day, or maybe, if you’re like me, it just doesn’t match your current style. I have held on to this canvas for yearrrrs. Literally. Because I knew one day I wanted to give it a makeover.
This easy old canvas makeover will have you looking around your home for things that you can change up. Trust me, I am so so happy I hung on to it for all these years. This piece it stunning and looks like it came right off the shelf.
I could kick myself for not getting a great “before” picture. I was just way to excited to get this project started but you can catch a glimpse of it in the OLD CANVAS DECOR MAKEOVER VIDEO TUTORIAL I shared over on Facebook.

I started this easy old canvas decor makeover with a small box cutter. It is way easier to just cut the old canvas off of the existing frame than to pull individual staples.

This old canvas had a divider in the middle, I am assuming for support. I debated on whether or not to keep in as a part of the frame but ultimately decided it would look best if it were removed.

This is the beautiful frame I was left with. I mean, how pretty right? It was way to pretty to just throw away or be covered.
Next, came stain. I actually combined two colors for this look. I had a little left in each can. This color is made from Early American and Special Walnut by Minwax. I also have a couple stain recipes for making your own stain. if you would like to give it an try.
I had a piece of fabric I found at a barn sale recently. It has that perfect, blue farmhouse ticking and I knew it would be perfect for this old canvas makeover. It was wrinkly from storage so a quick iron job did the trick.

A quick measure and cut with this rotary cutter and I was ready to start stapling the fabric to the back of our newly stained canvas frame. Have you ever created a reverse-canvas project? They are so much fun to deconstruct and reassemble. You’re left with a beautiful piece of wood and literally a blank canvas to create whatever your heart deasires.

If you’re working with a smaller canvas, you could easily hot glue your canvas to the back of the frame instead of stapling. For me, this is a larger project and I wanted it to be nice and stable. I used a staple gun to attach the freshly iron fabric.
My personal tip. Start by stapling your corners first, then stretch your fabric, alternating from one side of the frame to the other.

Y’all. This is the moment when I knew this canvas makeover was going to be a home run. Just look at those beautiful stripes and that perfect stain! Wow.
This part if the video tutorial went pretty quick. All you really need to know is that I attached this adorable little boxwood wreath with hot glue! I used one I had on hand but you can make your own or shop cute wreaths coming to my Home Goods Market in the near future!
I styled this beauty in a couple different places in my home because I haven’t quite decided whereto put it but I think you would agree, it fits my decor perfectly! I hope this canvas makeover was inspiring for you! Head to that decor closet or grab that piece off the wall and spruce it up a bit, so you too can have a beautiful new piece of resourceful decor for your home.