Unique Ways to Use Wood Beads in Your Home Decor

If you are a lover of farm­house dec­o­rat­ing or even, most recent­ly, the trendy boho farm­house look then you have no doubt been see­ing how ver­sa­tile and beau­ti­ful wood beads can be in your décor. What I love about wood beads is that they are time­less. And they can make even the small­est of details in…

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How to Make Wood Bead Tassel DIY Decor

I am always look­ing for home decor to cre­ate on my own. Don’t get me wrong I love doing all types of crafts but I espe­cial­ly love the ones I can dis­play in my home year round. This is exact­ly why I am excit­ed to teach you how to make wood bead tas­sel DIY decor. Not…

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