• DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Easy Wood Block American Flag

    I have always want­ed to dec­o­rate for patri­ot­ic hol­i­days and this year I am get­ting a head start on mak­ing some cute lit­tle addi­tions for my decor. The prim­i­tive look wears well with red, white and blue and what bet­ter way to get that rus­tic look than with wood blocks. These are the sizes we start­ed with.  (2) 10″ 2x4s (2) 6″ 2x4s (2) 4″ 2x4s I paint­ed one 10″ piece and one 6″ piece in red and cov­ered the oth­er two with mod podge and old book pages. The 4″ pieces I paint­ed blue.  Since I was going for a prim­i­tive look I want­ed…

  • DIY Projects

    DIY Herb Racks for Your Kitchen

    An herb rack is one of those items you nev­er knew you need­ed for your kitchen. I am cur­rent­ly try­ing to dream up an idea for cre­at­ing my own for my kitchen. I have basil, rose­mary, thyme and oregeno in my win­dow seal that are ready for har­vest and I am loo­ing for a beau­ti­ful way to dis­play them. There are so many unique and fun ways to dis­play these lit­tle fra­grant beau­ties it’s going to be dif­fi­cult to decide. I like this meth­ods for dry­ing because I find it not only beau­ti­ful but benef­i­cal for fla­vor. Hang­ing herbs upside­down let’s…