• DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    DIY Outdoor Spindle Projects

    With Spring on the hori­zon, my mind is start­ing to drift to fresh­en­ing up my out­door spaces. Since mov­ing to our new home­stead we have put all of our atten­tion and ener­gy into clean­ing up the out­door spaces but I am ready to start think­ing of all things pret­ty. I have nev­er real­ly giv­en much thought to out­door upcy­cling projects until this year and let e just tell ya…you’re gonna be see­ing a lot of spin­dles out in my yard and on my porch!  While gath­er­ing inspi­ra­tion of my own I decid­ed to cre­ate this con­ve­nient lit­tle col­lec­tion for you to…

  • Decor

    5 Comfy Outdoor Spaces

    I think choosing to focus on an area where I can unwind after the days stresses or relax with a cup of coffee is a THE definition of comfy. I have gathered some comfy spaces that would make it very difficult for me to complete anything on my outdoor to-do list.