• Decor - Decor + Styling

    10 Easy DIY Neutral Christmas Ornaments

    Oh hel­lo end of Octo­ber. It’s been nice knowin ya! Is any­one else feel­in this way? I was so eager for Octo­ber to arrive and now, as we near the end it seems like it has been for­ev­er long? Maybe because I spend about half the month chomp­ing at the bit to get start­ed on the blog full-time…either way, wow Octo­ber is almost over!  In the Geed­ing house that means this week­end is tra­di­tion­al Christ­mas tree week­end! For the past few weeks I have been gath­er­ing new orna­ments and mak­ing all the things! And if you don’t already know I…