• Cooking

    Amish Cinnamon Swirl Bread

    I made this recipe for the first time this morn­ing. Sun­day’s are typ­i­cal­ly crazy in our house. Rush­ing for show­ers and get­ting ready for church. Due to the cur­rent quar­an­tine we watched church from home and kept our social dis­tance but y’all, can I just say, no amount of social dis­tance should keep you from shar­ing this amaz­ing melt in your mouth recipe with your fam­i­ly and friends.  Speak­ing of fam­i­ly, I am hap­py to have had my great grand­moth­ers loaf pans hand­ed down to me. Every­time I use them I can’t help but won­der what all she made with…