• Decor

    Introducing New Chickens to Your Flock

    Recent­ly we added 12 new baby chicks to the farm. This was my very first time rais­ing and car­ing for chicks on my own so I had a lot of research to do to ensure they were kept com­fort­able and safe. I am writ­ing to share my per­son­al expe­ri­ences and maybe a nugget (or two) of advice fior when it comes to intro­duc­ing new­bies to your flock. MORE CHICKENS MEANS MORE MANURE…TURN IT INTO COMPOST FOR YOUR GARDEN!  GET STARTED NOW!  KEEP THEM SEPARATED IN THE BEGINNING  It is impor­tant to keep your lit­tles sep­a­rat­ed from your orig­i­nal flock. Now this…