• DIY Projects

    Easy Christmas Candle Display

    I am elbows deep in pack­ing box­es and clean­ing out soooo much clut­ter before we move. That is how I dis­cov­ered the peices for this lit­tle gem. I was in my “office” which has real­ly just become a stor­age area forall of my sup­plies and projects when I came across these can­dles, and an old bro­ken tray. They were not stored togeth­er and, in fact, sep­a­rate­ly, they all looked pret­ty sad. With me being in clean-out mode they were tossed mind­less­ly into the donate box.  Yep, this project almost did­n’t even hap­pen. It was­n’t until I was load­ing things into…