• DIY Projects

    How to Make Wood Conditioner with Beeswax

    I have a love for using wood­en uten­sils in my kitchen. Wood bowls, wood cut­ting boards, rolling pins… you name it. And while yes they are pret­ty to look at, and work well with just about any type of cook­ware, they do require a lit­tle bit of main­te­nence. What’s the solu­tion? An easy-to-make home­made wood con­di­tion­er using beeswax or as I like to call it…Wood Butter! Wood gets thirsty. And when it is thirsty it has a ten­dan­cy to dry out, become rough and even­tu­al­ly crack and splin­ter. This is true across the spec­trum. When wood weath­ers it cracks, it…