I grabbed a collection of Springy florals from the local dollar store recently and I knew i wanted to create a Spring dough bowl flower arrangement with them. I loved the combination of colors when I brought them together and thought it would be a fun project to try my floral arranging skills with.

It would be fairly simple to achieve a similar look. If you don’t have a dough bowl, we offer them at R+R Home. They come with a beautifully scented candle inside that can either be repoured or repurposed like I did with this arrangement.

I started by cleaning the leftover wax from the bottom of the dough bowl by heating it up and wiping it out with a paper towel. you could also freeze the bowl and pop out the extra wax. Either way you choose is fine!

After the base is clean you are ready to begin your spring arrangement. I glued a chunk of floral foam to the bottom of the bowl and covered it with spanish moss, also from the dollar store. Once the foam was covered I disassembled the dollar tree florals with a pair of wire cutters and began building the arrangement from the outside inward. You can see a similar arrangement I did with faux wildflowers back in the summer, here.