I was recently listening to the Jennifer Allwood Show on iTunes and she said something to the effect of not letting fear be an excuse for not listening to Gods calling over your life. If you would have asked me this time last year to set up a photo booth for a large community event hosted my our church I would have declined our of pure fear. In fact, no one would have even thought to ask me to decorate because well, no one knew I could. Even me. I had chalked up my love to create and decorate and DIY as merely a hobby my entire life. Much less ever believed in myself enough to put my work on display for the world to see. I had not ever even considered it as a true God-given gift. I thought service looked like cleaning the church, greeting people at the door, cooking for the sick…you know, all those things us church people are supposed to do. Please, don’t get me wrong, all of those things are amazing acts of service but I never felt called to do any of those things. I felt like I didn’t fit it to any given spot for service, it always felt way more forced that I thought God would be happy with, if that makes any sense at all. I mean, wasn’t doing this stuff, being the hands and feet of Jesus, supposed to bring you joy? I never really felt that to be completely honest, not until recently.
Last night I experienced a whole different kind of joy. The pure joy of serving with confidence that I did have a gift that God can and would use for His glory. It wasn’t forced, I truly felt that I could put my talent to work and help reach people. I truly enjoyed every moment of the planning, preparation and the actual doing of this project. That isn’t to say that service isn’t going to require work and sacrifice of your time, because it will. God has opened so many doors for opportunity in my life and business lately and it felt so good to be able to give back to him.
You may be thinking, how in the world is setting up a cute area for pictures considered an act of service? Listen, y’all… you wouldn’t believe how many smiling facing I saw right here in front of this backdrop. I saw family and friends from all over our greatly unchurched community coming together to get that perfect (or not so perfect) family shot. Who knows, maybe God was working on softening hearts as those families squeezed in the photo, maybe He was birthing a relationship between a lost soul and a church that wanted to love on their community. Whatever the case may be, it’s not our job to worry about whether or not our gifts have made an impact. God only asks us to plant, He will do the rest. Sure, there would have been a photo booth without my help, but I would have missed the blessing God had waiting for me. I used the gift that HE gave me to create this lovely space for families and friends to capture memories on our church grounds. I was His hands and feet in that moment and that was all I was called to do.

Please hear my heart on this, I am not sharing this to toot my own horn, but rather to encourage you to listen to that tug on your heart. God has put something inside you that you may not even realize is there. Look inward and search deep to find that calling, that gift. Maybe look at the things you enjoy through a different lens and ask how I can do this to the glory of God. If it scares the heck out of you, do it anyway. I won’t go into all the details in this post but if you know me and know my story then you know that this time last year, I had zero confidence in myself and my spiritual gift as a creative. I rejected that calling for years. By ignoring that calling, I was rejecting God, telling him His gift to me wasn’t good enough for service.
Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off not worrying so much about the results of our service, God has that part covered, and instead, focused on what is taking place in our hearts as we serve. We can focus on the portion of the story that God has asked us to literally be the hand and feet.

Kaycee, this is so absolutely beautiful! God has used you and in a mighty way! May He continue to bless you as He uses your talents in the future for His Glory! I don’t really know you except through your blog but I’m so proud of you! You are a very special Christian lady!
This means so much to me. Thank you Judy!
You are such an inspiration!! You are doing exactly what God has called you to do this very moment!! He is not looking for our ability, but he is looking for our availability. You are truly a servant that exemplifies HIS love!! Keep up the good work!!
It is refreshing. I have gone a long time not knowing where it was I was supposed to serve. I am grateful.
Thank you Kaycee for sharing this. It helps so much. Like most we are are our own worst critics. We judge ourselves so harshly that we assume that’s what others must see too. Great job with the backdrop. Wish I was rhere.
I have been a terrible critic of myself for the longest time. It is nice to be moving past that.
This is a awesome story!! You are truly a blessing to us and yes it is hard to step out, I have been there as well! I am so blessed that you took the part in this. I can’t wait to see what God has in-store for the church in the coming days!! Just know your family, and if there’s a time u need my help please let me know! I would love to side by side in your journey. Your setting was beautiful!!!
You are awesome. Thank you for your support. I love our church so much.
This is beautiful and the honesty is refreshing. I am thankful you found your calling and it involves impacting so many people through your work.
Thank you so much! it is a true blessing to be able to help serve others.
We are blessed to be a blessing and you, my dear are! By the way! I made your favorite soup today and it is very good! (Tortellini)