Have I mentioned that I love wood projects? Well if you’re new here and don’t already know, wood crafts are my fave! I recently made this adorable rustic bunny decor with a few pieces of wood salvaged from a barn nearby and a little bunny cut out.
These are the pieces I started this project with. Luckily, my wood guy saw my vision for this piece and kept as many raw edges of wood as possible for this rustic bunny decor…I.AM.IN.LOVE.
Now I realize not every has pieces of barn wood just laying around so I created a Woodshop Project Box specifically for those who want to get their hands on precut wood decor projects.
I attached the 3 pieces of barn wood with 2 smaller backer boards to hold them together. I spaced them about 1/2 inch apart from one another as shown. Measuring isn’t necessary but certainly ok here. You could use the width of one of the backer boards to space out the barn wood piecee. Or, if the spacing isn’t your style, try them without spacing at all! That is what I love about these Woodshop Project Boxes, is it allows plenty of room for customization!
I painted the bunny in a plaster chalk paint by Waverly. The white is so classic and looks amazing next to the barn color of the wood pieces.…don’t worry, the other half of those barn slats you just saw were salvaged for another DIY down the road!
Once everything was secured. I gave our little rustic bunny project a sweet little raffia bow tie! Simple simple! I am learning that Spring just might be my favorite season. I have said fall all along but there is something about Spring that comes with promise. Promise of fresh beginnings and a clean slate that I absolutely LOVE.
I hope you have enjoyed this sweet project as much as I have!
Ps…if you like this bunny decor project, then you will LOVE this rustic wooden carrot video tutorial!

Love it! So cute!