Y’all, I went to my very first vintage market this past weekend Yes, you heard me right. It was my first time at a market like this, and I am certain heaven is full of rows and rows of hand selected vintage items and home made goods. I have been to flea markets and trade shows but I have to say this one took the cake.
Magpie Market Days is situated in the small town of Marion, Illinois about 2 hours North of my hometown. When I pulled into the fairgrounds I was overwhelmed by the sight of a sea of white top tents. I could hardly wait to hit the ground running to see all the new beauties that awaited me.

And would you just look at that backdrop???If I could have taken that mantle home with me I so would have! It was so grand and beautiful and that vintage navy blue chair was making my heart flutter. In case you haven’t noticed, navy blue is trending for fall decor. It is a unique twist on the classic oranges and yellows and I am definitely late to the party …hopefully it will stick around for a couple years so I can come back and snag this chair next year. ha!
But anyhoo.…welcome to my quick little recap of Magpie Vintage Market Days. I must admit that I did not end up with as many photos as I had hoped to have collected for this post simply because something physically happens to your brain when you are a die hard junker like myself. It quite literally sucks you in. The smell of the well-worn items is like no other. I can imagine if there were ever a candle called “A Life Well Lived” it would spell like a vintage market. If you have never had the privilege of visiting a market you know the exact smell I’m referring to.

This booth by Milkmaid Creations and Antiques was one That grabbed my attention from the get-go. It wasn’t over-the-top but it had a perfect mixture of vintage and modern. I adored the simplicity of this bench…clean lines and a chippy seat…yes please!

About halfway through our shopping adventures we decided to stop and get refreshed… and let me just say the fun did not stop there. We walked up to this absolutely adorable camper turned tea cart. It was painted pink and they called it “Sweet Tea and Jesus”…I mean how stinkin cute is that? They had about a million different flavors to chose from to infuse your sweet tea.

I ended up with a strawberry cheesecake sweet tea and yes…yes it was as heavenly as it sounded! I could go for another one right about now!

It’s a good thing we were recharged with sweet tea because the booths continued to blow me away. There was something so very unique about each and every vendor. My favorite thing under this tent?…I will give you one guess…If you said he chair then you are correct! I didn’t love the upholstery but it was solid wood with beautiful detailing I adored. It was like love at first sight. Gosh how I wish I could have brought that beauty home with me but the hard reality is I didn’t have the room or the funds.

I also LOOOOVED all the brass I was finding. I ended up with some simple brass candlesticks from the weekend and I am not done adding brass to different shelves and areas of my home. I guess styles really do come full circle.

After hours and what felt like miles of walking ans searching for just the right finds I came home with two simple pieces and I could’t be happier with how they fit into my space! I snagged this adorable little expandable coat rack for only $11
I put it on the wall near the entryway to my living room and styled it with another thrifted find!

My other simple little find were these cute little aged terra cotta pots from Custom Southern Co. Like I said, nothing over the top but definitely not lacking in character . Plus, how perfect are these mingled with the other fall colors on the mantle???

Listen y’all, I enjoyed every single moment of this adventure, and the best part.…I found some beautiful and unique pieces with character that didn’t break the bank! Gosh I would have LOVED to bring home some amazing salvaged architectural pieces. And I’m sorry I didn’t think to snap more pictures of the amazing pieces. If you ever have the chance to visit a vintage market it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the amazing finds. Just remember, keep your eyes peeled for the small little finds that you can incorporate in your home!