This wood sunflower DIY was a little outside of my comfort zone. For some reason painting makes me a nervous wreck buuuuttt I decided to take a dose of my own medicine, and like I always say “Just go for it!”
So this is me going for it. I decided to give this simple wood sunflower dimension with a painting technique that I love to refer to as “wood buttering.” It’s literally where you spread your paint on like you would butter a piece of toast…no kidding!
Watch me butter this Wood Sunflower.
This wood Sunflower Kit is exclusive to our Wood Project Box. A monthly decor building subscription. We eliminate the need to for making a trip to get lumber and breaking out the power tools. Just simple, beautiful wood projects sent straight to your door each month!

I knew I wanted something dimensional using the deeper shades of yellow for this project so I went with a basic Apple barrel craft paint called Golden Sunset and Gold Metallic.
I used the Golden Sunset for the base of the project shown here. If you are concerned about wood grain showing through, you can always apply a thin white base coat beneath the color.

The second gold metallic shade is the one I decided to “butter.” To achieve this look all you have to do is spread the paint using a paint stick in a single direction. Don’t worry about making is smooth. Leaving some areas of thick paint will give the piece the dimension that makes this technique so fun!
You can see that I started from the center and stroked to the outer edges.

The center of this kit was simple hard board. Once side was smooth while the other was textured. I opted to paint the textured side, again for dimension and character.

Hot glue the 2 pieces together and there you have it! A beautiful wood sunflower.…plus it even stands on its own!