I am a sucker for all things vintage. It is my jam. I see rust or chippy paint and my heart really does flutter and to answer your question, no I don’t think it’s going anywhere in the decor world. In my Pinterest searching, I found myself lingering toward inspiration that included natural grasses, flowers, moss ect. and decided to gather a few of my favorites together for those that are like-hearted in their desire to mix in older elements with the natural beauty and newness that Spring brings.
The photos contain links to the orginal sources.
Take this arrngement for example, I loved the softness of the color mixed with the rusty basket and doilie. It easily says Spring and I love the older added elements.
This little ditty is definitely on my to-do list. I recently created a way to fashion a DIY birds nest and I am eager to try and recreate this look. Nothing says vintage like an old book page, right?
Everything about this view is perection. That handsome bunny is what grabbed my attention in the first place, then I noticed alot of the other sweet vintage elements that really drive this look home. Notice the aged terra cotta, brass candlesticks, a sweet little cloche.…I could go on and on.
It never fails, I can spot LMB out of just about any lineup on Pinterest. Her style just speaks to me. Every space in her home has been kissed by a vintage fairy. The greens, the whites, the woods and especially that vintage rabbit sign!
I simply adore the uniqueness of this look! That’s the thing about vintage, it’s so darn unique. Everything has it’s own story as to how it became so perfectly beautiful and Salvaged Living has an amazing vision for all of her aged finds. Ps…if you ever see spindles, get them, they are perfect no matter the season!!!
Old crocks, rusty cans, chipy furniture…oh my! I love how easily Spring was incorporated with just the simple added touch of lavender. Spring in and of itself is simple. Don’t feel like you have to go overboard to achieve your vintage look. The attetion is in the details.
Oh hello there you cute little “Springs” That’s another thing I can’t go without mentioning when discussing vintage decor, upcycling. Use that metal in a way that it wasn’t intended to be used. In this case, bedsprings make the perfect little resting place for these precious little spring nests.
Nothing says vintage like this neat (not so) little sugar mold. Just so happens it houses these precious little eggs perfectly, doncha think? Seeing the sweet added elements of the ribbed glassware and lace table runner takes me back in time. I can’t help but think of a casual Sunday dinner at this table.
This print stopped me in my tracks and reminded me that Spring doesn’t always have to be about the bunnies and flowers. It has me thinking outside the box a bit as I am planning my Spring decor. It adds instant character and pairs beautifully with simple greenery.
Again, Spring decor doesn’t have to be over the top. I love how the colors of the vintage books here give a nod to the season. Paired with some spindles and twiggy florals and it’s light, airy and says Spring.
From mantles, to vingettes I really enjoyed bringing this collection together for you. I would love to know which of these ideas have inspired you most. As for me, I will certainly be taking these ideas into consideration as I continue to plan. Happy decorating!

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