Avid DIY’ers and crafters know what it’s like to accidentally discover a technique. That was definitely the case for this weathered paint look I used on the DIY garden terrarium. Really it was impatience and my messy crafting habits that led to the discovery of this technique, but it really did work out in my favor.
What I mean by weathered paint is that natural chippy-ness and peeling paint look on old wood pane windows or doors that have years of wear and tear and layers of paint. Yeah, that’s the good stuff we are going for here. Here is what you’re gonna need to get that perfect weathers paint…it’s honestly a lot easier than you might think.
- white latex paint
- a high heat, heat gun
- paint brush
- coarse sandpaper

Apply a generous coat of white latex paint to the surface of your wood project.

Dry rapidly with high heat. The rapid drying of a thick coat of paint will cause the paint to crack and bubble.This is exactly what you want it to do! That is where the beauty of this technique comes in.

Sand the edges of your project. I like to even sand over the surface of the bubbles and cracks to add another little layer of character and charm to the finished look.

And that my friends, is how you create your own weathered paint in 3 easy steps! Are you ready to try this for yourself? I teach fun techniques like this in our DIY decor membership every month!

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