Oh my goodness, I jut absolutely LOVE a beautifully styled mantle. They are easily the focal point of an entire room and deserve to be the center of attention! Up until just recently (when we closed on our new home) I have not had a mantle to play with and decorate. I have spent sooo many hours browsing Pinterest for inspiration for the beautiful feature in our new home and of course I thought I would share some of my favorite winter styles with y’all.
One thing you will notice about this collection is all the neutrals! Neutrals are my jam and I make no apologies. Not only do I love neutral tones but they are also timeless and will easily transition you from the holidays straight into the Winter season without having to completely change your look.
My first choice comes from Liz Marie Blog. I am naturally drawn to her cozy, neutral, vintage style. Her recent appearances on the Today Show have my wheels turning and thinking of ways to cozy up my space.…starting with my mantle!
I have been drawn to the look of these scrolls lately. They are simply beautiful and easily interchangable. Not to mention the cemetry just works here. Mantle by The Calvert Cottage
Literaly nothing is cozier than a warm lit candle. I just adore the Laura McBride Blog arranged to create that perfect little bit of warmth.
This.…I am speechless. This may be THE perfect winter mantle. It has all my favorite things. Old hymnals, natural greenery, layers, wood beads.… Sarah jane Interiors has stolen my heart and thrown away the key!
This is definitely a fun look! I like the chunky-ness (is that even a word) of everything I see here from Whimsy Girl Not to mention, I think I could leave those stockings out all year long.
I have been seeing these low-profile modern mirrors all over the place! In fact, I finally broke down and bought one for myself. After seeing this beautiful netral, wintery display by The Blooming Nest I think I have finally decided where mine will hang.
And yet another beautiful mirror…I am seeing a trend here… paired with natural greenery and candle sticks and wow… I am drooling. SOURCE
I wonder is there is a rule somewhere that says mirrors are made for mantles? If not I am officially declaring it! So many beautiful mantles have these amazing mirrors above them! Beauty For Ashes makes no exceptions here.
I love the mix of copper tones with the sandy neutrals. It adds an extra sense of coziness to the space that would easily transfer from Christmas right into the Winter months. Do I even need to mention that mirror? Source
What I love most about this mantle is that picture! Grace in My Space created an elegant yet cozy look with layering and lots of textures!
Bless this Nest created a nice transition mantle spread created with very basic “wintery” decor peices. Switching out the Christmas sign would make this transition a breeze.
I hope you find these mantles as cozy and inviting as I did. I simply can not wait to get my hands on our mantle at the new place so I can start getting things cozied up and ready for the winter months.