$3 Nativity Makeover

I have been search­ing for the per­fect nativ­i­ty scene to add to my Christ­mas decor for a few years now. Though they are beau­ti­ful, I nev­er could bring myself to spend so much mon­ey on a set. Luck­i­ly, in most most recent trip to one of my favorite pickin’ spots, I came across this lit­tle dia­mond in the rough! It was not in pris­tine cond­tion but all the peices were there and it was in decent shape. I snagged it for $3, stuffed it in a box and brought it home! 

Talk about a steal! My heart was elated. 

As you can see, it it definit­ly not per­fect. In fact, one of the wise men is miss­ing a hand. I actu­al­ly did­n’t notice that detail until I got it home. Either way, I thought a good coat of paint was all this set realy needed.

Using this Satin White by Rus­toleum, I applied two coats of spray paint, allow­ing time for the set to dry between coats. 

I decid­ed to paint on a windy day. The box helped to keep the over­spray con­tained and the dust and debris out of the wet paint.

Y’all I wish there was more for me to say but that is the end of this hap­py lit­tle sto­ry. I absolute­ly adore it! Always be on the look­out for cute lit­tle ceram­ics like these, this one lit­er­al­ly popped out of nowhere and caught me off guard. Some­times all you need is a quick coat of paint for a whole new look! 

Check out a very sim­i­lar project shared by Re-Fabbed ! I like Brooke’s idea of attach­ing hers to a base. It’s bril­liant, espe­cial­ly if you have young kiddos! 


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roostandrestore says:

That’s awe­some and thank you so much! I didn’t know she did one! She’s awe­some! I’m so thank­ful for the coach­ing group and final­ly fig­ur­ing out what I’m sup­posed to be doing! 

Joann says:


roostandrestore says:

Thank you!

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