Creating a Budget Friendly Gallery Wall

There is some­thing very sat­is­fy­ing about going a trea­sure hunt through your own house look­ing for things to hang togeth­er. Its excit­ing to see a bunch of ran­dom objects some togeth­er to cre­ate one cohe­sive look. Chances are, you already have most of what you need lay­ing around the house.

Take this cute lit­tle piece for exam­ple. It was giv­en to me so that was a plus! Who does­n’t love FREE, am I right? But real­ly I think you could scav­enge through your garage and find an old piece of wood. Paint that bad boy up and add a lit­tle some­thing you could use for hang­ing. In this case an old knob was per­fect to hang my DIY wood bead garland. 

Pro Tip:

I encour­age you to find one piece that is big­ger than the rest. Make this your focal point and build your gallery around it.


Fam­i­ly pho­tos are the obvi­ous choice for fill­ing in space on your gallery wall. They lit­er­al­ly nev­er go out of style…okay maybe that hair­style will but you get the idea.

This is my newest and per­haps the cheap­est part of the gallery wall. I cre­at­ed this in a recent Face­book Live. It was an old bro­ken frame that I dis­tressed, and embell­ished for the pur­pose of adding to my gallery wall. I already had every­thing I need­ed to throw this lit­tle cutie togeth­er and I am real­ly tick­led with the result.

Pro Tip:

Look for dif­fer­ent shapes and sizes to add to the wall. It makes things inter­est­ing and helps to achieve an eclec­tic look.


As you can see, I used many dif­fer­ent medi­ums and hang­ing tech­niques to cre­ate this time­less look . I encour­age you to search your own house high and low for things like wood, met­al, green­ery, hooks, beads, and fam­i­ly pho­tos. It is so so easy to build a gallery, just think out­side the box. If you can hold it, you can hang it!


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Brenda says:

Kasey I’m lov­ing your wall like it is,I wish you lived clos­er my house is so ugh!

roostandrestore says:

Thank you so much! I hope it serves as inspiration!

Jean Banks says:

Hel­lo Kaycee. I found you through Wilshire Col­lec­tions and love your DIYs. I can’t wait to try some for my home. I am look­ing for­ward to learn­ing from you. I hope you have a blessed day!

roostandrestore says:

That’s awe­some! I love Stacey! She is so inspir­ing! Thank you so much for fol­low­ing along! We have lots of fun over here in this lit­tle cor­ner of the internet. 

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