Hey y’all! I am so stinkin excited you have found your way to my “Roost” This is my happy place. When you’re visiting I promise you will always get the real me. The down-to-earth, pull up a seat and let’s drink some coffee, me. So first things first, I love Jesus. I will always give God the glory in everything and I plan to share the heck out of my story and what he has done for me in hopes to encourage you to seek His will in your life.
You will get to know them on our journey together if you stick around long enough. I live in an all-boy, 2 cats, fixer upper farmhouse! Where my #boymama’s at? Yeah, I feel ya girl! I want this blog to be a fun way to relax and refresh.…Roost and Restore.… you know, a place for a little R + R. You see what I did there? And y’all we haven’t even scratched the surface! You see, DIY and home décor are my other loves and were gonna get our hands dirty together! Join me on this journey. Lets love on each other and create something beautiful together!

Love this site.
I have never met you but feel like we have been lifelong friends already! I love your down to earth, caring and loving personality. Keep doing you your awesome!
Can’t wait to have more time to explore and learn more. I love your projects I’ve seen so far!