• Cooking

    Summer Pineapple Pie

    Today I plan to make up a sum­mer pineap­ple pie and let me tell you if you/re look­ing for a last minute sum­mery treat to whip up for the fam­i­ly or a last minute get togeth­er this is for you! Sum­mer brings peo­ple togeth­er on back patios for back­yard BBQ’s and swim par­ties for the lit­tles, all accom­pa­nied by amaz­ing foods and a good fruity sal­ad or oth­er fruit treats lay­ered with whipped top­pings. This is def­i­nite­ly one of those treats that will have peo­ple com­ing back to the table for more. It’s fruity, light, cool and mouth-watering Ingredients 2 tbsp sugar…