• DIY Projects

    DIY Chippy Paint Layers Using General Finishes Milk Paint

    Recent­ly we just wrapped up a big DIY project where we cre­at­ed an island using an old thrift­ed dress­er. From the very start I knew I want­ed an authen­tic, chip­py, aged fin­ish. If you talk to all the “decor styling experts” they may tell you that the farm­house trends are on thi­er way out. and to that I say…so what! The trend may be set­tling a bit in exchange for shades of black and green but this girls coun­try lov­ing heart will always have a place for old and chippy.  I did­n’t want to fake this look. It as impor­tant…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy Guide for A Distressed Paint Job

    I am a suck­er for a nice heav­i­ly dis­tressed paint job. It is a great way to give new pieces of fur­ni­ture a beau­ti­ful look of old age and his­to­ry. It is no secret that it has become a very pop­u­lar go-to look for refin­ish­ing those out­dat­ed pieces you snagged at a yard­sale or just sim­ply want to cre­ate an updat­ed look in your home.  In this tuto­r­i­al I share some of my per­son­al tips for when you are look­ing to start your next project.  PREP To start off, I rec­om­mend hav­ing a dark base. Specif­i­cal­ly for the look I am…