• Decor

    Pop Up Antique Barn Sale

    Y’all I caught wind of this adorable lit­tle barn sale hap­pen­ing this past week­end about 5 min­utes up the road! I thought to myself, “How in the world have you nev­er heard of this place before?” Need­less to say, I loaded up the kid­dos and my assis­tant Ken­zie and off we went. We arrived at Feath­er­Stone Farm, which had the cutest lit­tle red barn with the doors propped open and breeze blow­ing through. The entry­ways were adorned in love­ly, nat­ur­al green­ery’s and the atmos­phere was just so.…charming. I could­n’t think of a bet­ter way to spend my after­noon oth­er than brows­ing…