Decor - Decor + Styling

Summer Seed Packet Banner


  • Seed Pack­ets
  • Mini Clothes Pins
  • Jute

This lit­tle project is SO sim­ple I feel like I can hard­ly call it a DIY! I came up with this idea last sum­mer when plan­ning for my pic­nic themed baby show­er and I kept it in my back pock­et. I decid­ed its just too cute not to share. Use it around your home, on your out­door veg­gie stand or even as a good pho­to prop.

Let’s get start­ed by grab­bing your sup­plies. I found my seed pack­ets 4 for $1 at my local Dol­lar Gen­er­al, jute and mini clothes pins, also from Dol­lar General.

Next, just cut your jute to size and attach the pack­ets using your mini clothes pins and your D‑O-N‑E. How is that for simple?