Decorating after Christmas can be a challenge but I love the vibes of this simple snowflake picture frame. I have plenty of ideas here on the blog for after-Christmas decor and I can assure you this snowflake picture frame will be making the list along with some of my other faves. And the best part.…it was CHEAP! Literally a brand new piece of after Christmas decor for less than $5! You can’t beat it!
Here is what you need to recreate a similar look
- Thrifted Frame
- Black Paint
- Small wood Snowflake
- Hymnal page or craft paper
- Paintbrush
- Hot Glue

I always love a good thrifty picture frame but I love it even more with a cute winter vibe. This little beauty not only had a precious floral print but it had a super cute neutral, layered matte with a $1.99 price tag…yes please! I’ve honestly had a set of these little frames since early Spring and never quite could decide what I wanted to with them until recently.
I began with a little deconstruction. I started by removing the backing and the original artwork. Then I painted the background with a flat black craft paint.
After that was dry I applied the wood snowflake, that I had covered and distressed with an old hymnal page and VIOLA!