Simple Snowflake Picture Frame Under $5

Dec­o­rat­ing after Christ­mas can be a chal­lenge but I love the vibes of this sim­ple snowflake pic­ture frame. I have plen­ty of ideas here on the blog for after-Christ­mas decor and I can assure you this snowflake pic­ture frame will be mak­ing the list along with some of my oth­er faves. And the best part.…it was CHEAP! Lit­er­al­ly a brand new piece of after Christ­mas decor for less than $5! You can’t beat it! 

Here is what you need to recre­ate a sim­i­lar look

  • Thrift­ed Frame
  • Black Paint
  • Small wood Snowflake 
  • Hym­nal page or craft paper
  • Paint­brush
  • Hot Glue
recycled picture frame for simple winter decor after christmas

I always love a good thrifty pic­ture frame but I love it even more with a cute win­ter vibe. This lit­tle beau­ty not only had a pre­cious flo­ral print but it had a super cute neu­tral, lay­ered mat­te with a $1.99 price tag…yes please! I’ve hon­est­ly had a set of these lit­tle frames since ear­ly Spring and nev­er quite could decide what I want­ed to with them until recently. 

I began with a lit­tle decon­struc­tion. I start­ed by remov­ing the back­ing and the orig­i­nal art­work. Then I paint­ed the back­ground with a flat black craft paint.

After that was dry I applied the wood snowflake, that I had cov­ered and dis­tressed with an old hym­nal page and VIOLA!

simple snowflake diy using old picture frame
simple snowflake DIY decor


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