I orginally shared this project over on my Facebook page. It was such a hit I decided to write it down step for step for easy reference later. Go ahead and save this one to your Christmas Pinterest board…you will thank me later!

It all started with a piece of scrapwood or you can get a pre-cut wood block HERE and my favorite shade of white, Alabaster by Sherwin Williams.

After painting my wood block I cut a piece of hymnal paper in a basic house, or in this case, stable shape. This step can easily be subsituted with an old book page or printable.

Using mod-podge, I attached the hymnal paper to the block. Apply the mod podge to the wood directly and press the paper into the glue. Add a coat of mod podge on top of the paper as well for a nice clean finish.

Once the mod podge had a chance to dry, I added the cinnamon sticks to the edges of the hymnal paper using a bit of hot glue. This is what makes the entire project so unique! Not to mention the cinnmon made it smell yummy too.

And of course a nativity isn’t complete without a manger. A couple cinnamon sticks, cut to size with a bit of raffia did the trick! The bead was for added depth and represented baby Jesus laying in the manger.

The next step of my process included fashioning a “star” with hemp twine. This step is completely optional. I just really loved the rough and simple look of the hemp.

With just a little hint of distressing to the paint, this project is finished!

I simply adore the outcome of this cute little project! I have had tremendous amount of posiive feedback, including some who are sharing the idea with their students in Sunday school! It is a beautiful, and simple way to remember the true meaning of Christmas this time of year!