Search Results for: diy

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Ironstone Pitcher Look-A-Like

    So, I recent­ly dis­cov­ered the word “Iron­stone” I have always had a love for old white, mis­matched chi­na. I nev­er knew what to call it until recent­ly when I stum­bled across some hutch stag­ing ideas on Pin­ter­est. It was like what I nev­er knew I always wanted! DO YOU LOVE THE FRESH FARMHOUSE LOOK? YES? THEN YOU WILL ADORE THIS TABLESCAPE! Supplies Needed: Old pitch­er or any chi­na (that you don’t wish to eat/drink from anymore)  Rus­toleum White Spray Paint Rus­toleum I had no idea that there was a name for the beau­ti­ful style of chi­na I was drawn too…

  • Gallery

    R+R Rock­star DIY’ers Feel­in’ stumped? These DIY, vin­tage inspired, farm­house finds are sure to get your cre­ativ­i­ty flow­ing! Grab your cof­fee and browse a col­lec­tion of cre­ations and restora­tions cre­at­ed by amaz­ing R+R fol­low­ers, also known as “Roost­ers” Fol­low along on Face­book @roostandrestore for inspi­ra­tion and live demonstrations! 

  • Blog

    Wel­come to our DIY home projects com­mu­ni­ty! Whether you’re in a cozy apart­ment or nes­tled on a sprawl­ing ranch, we’re here to inspire and guide you through a world of cre­ative pos­si­bil­i­ties for your liv­ing space. Join us as we explore the art of craft­ing from-scratch recipes, cre­at­ing stun­ning DIY decor, and embark­ing on a vari­ety of oth­er projects designed to enhance your home. From home­made meals burst­ing with fla­vor to hand­craft­ed dec­o­ra­tions that add per­son­al­i­ty and charm to your space, we’ve got some­thing for everyone. No mat­ter your skill lev­el or liv­ing sit­u­a­tion, our projects are as beau­ti­ful as they…