Okay so when we bought our farm back in December, I knew immediately that the kitchen was going to be one of the first rooms we would tackle as far as renovations. It needed paint, backsplash, fixtures…all the things. Like most of our projects and home renos we were (and are) working with a strict budget. Decorating on a budget has become a way of life for me. Mostly out of necessity but also out of enjoyment.
Luckily, this cute little tip for adding a charming old fashioned feel to you kitchen hits the nail on the head when it comes to balancing function, style and that pesky little budget!
After I painted the kitchen cabinets, I knew I wanted to add a sink curtain. I figured this was a good way to tie in with the old fashioned vibes the rest of the house puts off. Not to mention, one of the cabinet doors under the sink broke during the renovation so it made sense to cover the space.… plus bonus points for the cuteness factor right?

This project took a total of about 15 minutes. The feed sack was a gift from my friend, Chasida, from Custom Southern Co She has a cute vintage booth in a rural town in Southern IL. She has an eye for all things vintage! In fact, there are several pieces in my home that I have sourced through her that I can share below.
I simply ripped the stiches along the side and bottom of the sack and used a fabric glue to “sew” a small cafe rod pocket along the top. Hanging it was just as simple. We screwed the hook directly to the front of the cabinets and viola! A cute little kitchen sink curtain with very little effort.
Grab this one cafe rod from Amazon

I do need to note that the feed sack was not the first curtain choice I used in this space. Before this I used a pair of thrifted white ruffle curtains which I soon found were difficult to keep clean…I shoulda known right? Here is the look using the white ruffles, which I absolutely love as well, but lets be honest, it is not the practical choice for littles and doggos.
There are so many looks that can be interchanged here. Just keep in mind the fabric and the cleanliness of the color you chose. I do plan to search for another feed sack to add some fullness to this look!
You can see before and after photos of progress in the kitchen below.