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How to Style Bird Cage for Spring

We have these amaz­ing lit­tle rustic bird cages in our shoppe, Roost and Restore Home, and I had so much fun styling this baby up for Spring! I decid­ed it would be best for me to share some of my per­son­al tips on how to style a bird cage for Spring! I know some­times we love pieces for our homes and then when we get them home we kin­da get stuck with what to do with it. 

You’re not alone. Let’s break down this look into a few bite size steps and you will be styling your own bird cage like a pro!

This is the cute rusty lit­tle cage we are start­ing with today. It pre­sent­ed a few obsta­cles, First the open­ing was tiny, so that auto­mat­i­cal­ly lim­it­ed what I could fit into the space. Sec­ond­ly, the bot­tom was not a sol­id form. It has slats in it so what­ev­er we placed need­ed to be wide enough to sit with­out slip­ping through. 


I began this styling with a faux hang­ing vine that I knew not only would fit through the lit­tle open­ing at the bot­tom but I knew I could pull from the vines to have them look like they have grown through the wire of the cage! 


Next I was able to nes­tle a lit­tle DIY bird nest among the trail­ing vine. It added the per­fect lit­tle touch of nature to the already beau­ti­ful green­ery! It instant­ly added a a sweet lit­tle sto­ry of a mama bird to the mix. I imag­ined this lit­tle cage, long for­got­ten in an over­grown gar­den and a sweet mama bird saw it fit to build her nest and lay her eggs behind the safe­ty of this beau­ti­ful lit­tle cage. 

3. Vintage Card

I decid­ed the only thing miss­ing from this sim­ple Spring set up was anoth­er sweet lit­tle ele­ment that could help us nar­rate the sto­ry of the cage. This bin­go card not only fit inside per­fect­ly, it also added instant age and pecu­liar­i­ty to the cage found aban­doned in the garden. 

Sounds love­ly does­n’t it?

Thank you for let­ting me paint this pic­ture for you today. I hope you have learned that styling can be a much more immer­sive expe­ri­ence if we just imag­ine how maybe some­thing could be found in nature. Let that pic­ture you paint be the guide for you and your styling. 


Then you will LOVE the R+R DIY Decor Box! Get amaz­ing home decor projects + sup­plies shipped to your door each month!

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