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Easy Facebook Marketplace Mirror Makeover

I am all the time look­ing for steals on Face­book Mar­ket­place, its seri­ous­ly one of my favorite ways to shop for home decor. When I found this adorable set of vin­tage mir­rors for $25 it was a no brain­er! With a lit­tle paint and dis­tress­ing they were bet­ter than new and ready for their new home in my din­ing room.

Supplies Needed:

Start by cov­er­ing the glass with news­pa­pers and painters tape. Be sure every­thing is nice and snug.

These mir­rors had intri­cate detail­ing so I decid­ed to use spray chalk paint vers­es paint in a can. Spray­ing them made get­ting in all the lit­tle nooks and cran­nies much eas­i­er than using a roller or brush. 

Once your paint is dry its time to apply your antiquing glaze. Dip a small part of the old rag into the glaze (a lit­tle bit goes a long way) and apply direct­ly to the paint­ed areas of your mir­ror. Do this in small sec­tions, wip­ing away the excess with a paper towel. 

I almost always dis­tress the edges of my paint projects. I absolute­ly love the aged look it gives to each piece.

Dis­tress­ing can be super help­ful when the piece you are work­ing with is less than per­fect. These mir­rors were far from per­fect but they were heavy, and high end back in their day. Dis­tress­ing the edges make the imper­fec­tions blend and look like nat­ur­al aging. 

Pro Tip:

Focus the dis­tress­ing on the areas that would wear naturally.