wood dollar tree cross diy
Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

DIY Easter Cross Decor

I haven’t craft­ed a whole lot of East­er decor this sea­son and I have been sav­ing a lit­tle wood cross I found at my local dol­lar store for when the inspi­ra­tion hit. Today was the day! I made the most beau­ti­ful East­er cross decor dis­play using that dol­lar store find and a few items from my home decor bou­tique, Roost and Restore Home.

It all start­ed when I was mak­ing my usu­al Mon­day morn­ing stroll through the store. I like to look around the dis­plays after a cou­ple days off to see if there is any­thing that needs to be restocked or per­haps change up the dis­play all togeth­er, if the inspi­ra­tion hits. This morn­ing was no dif­fer­ent. I was brows­ing our col­lec­tion of hand picked home goods and grabbed this bun­dle of Dutch sola wood flowers. 

I knew right away they were the miss­ing piece I need­ed to cre­ate the East­er cross decor I had been dream­ing up for a few weeks. Them stems were long and had a great bumpy tex­ture and the flow­ers were a soft ivory col­or that would be love­ly in any decor arrangement.

sola wood flowers

I grabbed them up and took them to my craft table and began to dis­sect them a bit. I shared this process LIVE via Face­book but I will explain the details here too. If you’d like to watch the replay I have linked it below!

Step 1

I began by stain­ing the wood­en cross with a dark cus­tom blend­ed stain left over from the March DIY DECOR BOX.

Step 2

All I had to do with these stems was clip the flow­ers from the top and cut the remain­ing stems to size. The cross itself was my guide for deter­min­ing the length of the stems. 

Step 3

Hot glue the stems to the sur­face of the wood cross, Criss cross­ing in the center.

Step 4

Wrap twine around the inter­sect­ing stems attached to the cross.

wooden dollar tree cross diy

Step 5

Style on a tray or use a charg­er and chick­en wire cloche like I did with mine!

rustic diy cross for easter Decor
wood dollar tree cross diy
rustic cross diy Decor