Today I am sharing the main entry way here at the homestead and how I styled it without using mums. I am hopeful every year that I will manage to keep my mums alive and every year they end up dead…haha please tell me I’m not the only one with this problem? Without further delay, here is how I achieved a budget friendly rustic fall porch without mums.

I decided to take a proactive approach that saved money and heartache. If I am being completely honest we just recently started a new budgeting technique to save money and become a debt free family. But even on the strictest of budgets, mama still needed her pumpkin fix. So with $20 in hand and plan this is what we were able to accomplish.
Trust me. It is suuuuper easy for me to get carried away on some pumpkins but in a way, only allowing myself $20 to spend really kicked in the creative juices. Once I had my hands on a few beauties I knew this was going to be wayy do-able.

How can I decorate for fall without using mums?
My secret? Ferns.
My ferns always seen to be alive and thriving this time of year so it just dawned on me, why not incorporate them with some fresh pumpkins and call it a day. Not to mention it saved $$$ and allowed the full decor budget to be spent on a beautiful variety of pumpkins.

Ferns add that little touch of greenery, filler and amazing texture to you display. Not to mention they are unexpected which make my heart oh so happy. Here are a few other porch ideas that make my heart flutter

Add little height with stacked terra cottas and old wood planters. Both of which I already had on hand. Get creative and search your yard for small logs or old planters than you can use for your display. It doesn’t all have to be brand new. Embrace the old and chippyness of something that has been weathered and forgotten in the flower beds.
By using what you have not only are you able to save big money but you are also setting yourself up to create that perfect rustic porch look. That is perhaps my favorite part about this style…
Effortless and affordable. And that is simply my favorite kind of decorating.

I truly hope my rustic fall porch decor can inspire you to think outside of the box when it comes to decorating this season, or any season for that matter. It also just goes to show that making something beautiful does NOT have to cost a fortune.
Love your porch .…… so so pretty …
Kaycee, I love your budget friendly decorating ideas, and, let’s face it, ALL your ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!