joy Christmas sign
Christmas - Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

Simple DIY Joy Sign

It’s been a hot minute since I post­ed any­thing new here on the blog and I thought this DIY Joy sign was a great way to fin­ish up all of my sea­son­al Christ­mas projects. In all hon­esty haven’t had a ton of time to spend on very many projects since open­ing the shoppe.

This project blos­somed out of the need to clear my mind and the word “Joy” was the first word that came to mind. Just this past Fri­day, Decem­ber 10th our small town of May­field. KY was com­plete­ly dev­as­tat­ed by high-end, mon­ster EF‑4 tor­na­do. After see­ing the dev­as­ta­tion in the town I call home, Joy has been hard to come by, quite hon­est­ly. Lives were lost, homes are gone and the joy that usu­al­ly comes with the Christ­mas sea­son is over­shad­owed by grief, guilt and confusion. 

It is dur­ing these times that I per­son­al­ly like to lean in to those things that feel nor­mal. Craft­ing with my friends over on Face­book today was exact­ly what y heart need­ed to spark a lit­tle joy and remind me of the hope that binds. I grabbed a a thrift­ed sign I found at a local thrift store a few weeks ago for only $3 and dug out a cute lit­tle $1 can­dle ring I had stashed in last years Christ­mas craft­ing supplies.

The can­dle ring made the per­fect let­ter “O” for this DIY sign and it made it feel super cheery for the sea­son. I sim­ple attached it to the sign with hot glue and shaped the let­ters J and Y with some craft­ing rope.

thrift store Christmas sign makeover

Here is a list of basic craft­ing sup­plies to com­plete your own ver­sion of this project.

joy Christmas sign

I styled this JOY sign with some of my favorite pil­lar can­dles from Roost and Restore Home right in the entry­way! It’s always good to remem­ber, even if the piece is sim­ple it’s the styling that brings all of the cozy fac­tors together. 

simple joy christmas sign

I hope you founds as much joy from this DIY Christ­mas project as I did mak­ing it! I would love for you to grab your cof­fee and spend some time enjoy­ing some of the oth­er fun (and thrifty) projects I have here o the blog! It is my hope that you will feel like you have stepped into my home and you leave feel­ing inspired to look at the things around you in a new light. Look for ways you can add joy to your home today. Even if it is as sim­ple as mak­ing some­thing with your own hands.