How to Make an Embroidery Hoop Wreath

This is one of those projects I have want­ed to try for a very long time and when I saw the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be able to share in the excite­ment of mak­ing an embroi­dery hoop wreath for myself I knew I need­ed to share the process with you all. No it isn’t a new idea but it’s too fun not to recreate!

What you need

  • 18″ embroi­dery hoop
  • 36″ twi­light greenery
  • Rib­bon
  • Can­vas fabric
  • hot glue
  • iron on vinyl transfer 
  • wire cut­ters
hoop wreath supplies

The first step is to decide what rib­bon or fab­ric you want to stretch across the diam­e­ter of your hoop. I used a chunky piece of can­vas fab­ric to adhere my heat trans­fer vinyl on. Fol­low the man­u­fac­ters direc­tions for the cor­rect appli­ca­tion process on this step. In gen­er­al, iron your fab­ric before plac­ing the trans­fer, cov­er with wax paper and move a hot iron slow­ly across the sur­face of the wax paper. 

Slow­ly peel away the top lay­er of paper! Spot check in a cor­ner before com­mit­ing to the peel.

Next, light­ly stretch your fab­ric between the inner and out­er hoops and tight­en the out­er hoop with the clamp. Fold and extra fab­ric around the edges and secure with hot glue.

After you have the fab­ric secured in place, snip your green­ery to desired length with wire cut­ters before secur­ing them to your embroi­dery hoop wreath.

Secure the green­ery with a small pool of hot glue and apply pres­sure until the glue starts to get tacky and hold the greens in place. You could also rein­force this step with flo­ral wire or zip ties if needed. 

Top off with a cute bow and your wreath is com­plete! I enjoy a sim­ple mezzy bow with tat­tered edges but you can cer­tain­ly mod­i­fy it to fit your own style.

yall come in hoop wreath with greenery

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