fall scrap wood project
DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

Fall Scrap Wood Napkin Project

Even though Fall temps are far from sight, my heart can’t help but start think­ing about the craft projects that come along with the cool crisp air. I had to break into my stash for this Fall scrap wood nap­kin project and I think you are going to love it as much as I do!


Begin by apply­ing a thin coat of mod podge applied to your scrap wood and allow it to dry. You can speed up this step by using a heat gun or hair dry­er to dry.

Once the mod podge has dried you’re gonna sep­a­rate the thin nap­kin lay­ers. They are so thin it will be hard to find the indi­vid­ual lay­ers but I promise they’re there! Posi­tion the print por­tion of the nap­kin where you want, cov­er it with parch­ment paper and set it with a hot iron.

Set­ting it with the iron reac­ti­vates the mod podge on the back­side of the nap­kin and secures it with­out fear of wrinkles!

There may be a bit of excess depend­ing on the size of the nap­kin and your wood. If so, use sand­pa­per to rub away the extra! It dou­bles as a lit­tle extra rus­tic touch. I like to touch the edges of the wood and nap­kin with a lit­tle dab of antique wax for a lit­tle icing on top.

Embell­ish the top of your fall scrap wood piece with a cute rib­bon and raf­fia bow or any oth­er type of embell­ish­ment of your choice.