Craft Wood Club

Hey, Sis­ter! Ready for Deep­er Con­nec­tions and Divine Cre­ativ­i­ty? Wel­come Home to The Craft Wood Club!

Hey there, soul sis­ter! Are you crav­ing some­thing more mean­ing­ful in your life? A con­nec­tion that goes beyond the sur­face? Well, pull up a chair and get cozy because you’ve just stum­bled upon some­thing tru­ly special.

Craft­ing + Con­nec­tion: Let’s talk about craft­ing. There’s some­thing mag­i­cal about get­ting your hands dirty, isn’t there? And here’s the secret sauce: when you pair that hands-on cre­ativ­i­ty with scrip­ture, some­thing incred­i­ble hap­pens. You start to feel those words. You start to live them. It’s like the sto­ries and lessons come alive in your hands, ready to shape not just your crafts but your heart.

Deep­en Your Con­nec­tions: You know those friend­ships that feel like they were meant to be? The ones where you can laugh, cry, and share your soul with­out reser­va­tion? That’s what we’re all about here. We’re a tribe of women who get it – who under­stand the pow­er of faith, friend­ship, and cre­ative expres­sion. Togeth­er, we’re on a jour­ney to not just know scrip­ture but to live it, to weave its wis­dom into every aspect of our lives.

Craft­ing, Cre­ativ­i­ty, and Scrip­ture: Ever notice how when you’re elbow-deep in paint or saw­dust, your mind feels clear­er? It’s like your hands are busy, but your spir­it is free to wan­der. And that’s where the mag­ic hap­pens. As you craft, as you cre­ate, those vers­es start to stick. They start to make sense in a whole new way. Sud­den­ly, you’re not just read­ing about love, for­give­ness, and grace – you’re feel­ing them, liv­ing them, becom­ing them.

Why The Craft Wood Club?

  1. Deep­er Con­nec­tions: Say good­bye to sur­face-lev­el small talk and hel­lo to heart-to-heart con­ver­sa­tions with women who under­stand your journey.
  2. Divine Cre­ativ­i­ty: Get ready to dive into scrip­ture in a whole new way as you bring its lessons to life through your crafts.
  3. Mean­ing­ful Me Time: Carve out space each month to nur­ture your soul, con­nect with kin­dred spir­its, and deep­en your rela­tion­ship with God.
  4. Empow­er­ing Com­mu­ni­ty: We’re not just a club; we’re a sis­ter­hood. A place where you’re cel­e­brat­ed, sup­port­ed, and encour­aged to shine your brightest.

Ready to Dive In? If you’re tired of shal­low con­nec­tions and ready for some­thing real, some­thing soul­ful, some­thing down­right divine – you’ve found your home here at The Craft Wood Club.

Craft­ing. Con­nect­ing. Restor­ing. The jour­ney starts now. Wel­come home, sister.


1. Receive Your Wood

Projects ship the last week of every month, so sit back and start dream­ing of your next DIY. It is being care­ful­ly curat­ed for your hands and your heart!

2. Get Crafty

It’s time to have fun! Treat your­self to a craft night with the girls! Craft and enjoy devo­tion­al time along­side me and oth­er mem­bers on Facebook!

3. Display Your Creation

Place your com­plet­ed craft on your (FREE) dis­play stand for the world to see! When it inspires con­ver­sa­tion, share the con­nec­tions to scrip­ture you made with while creating!


“I would say it’s my favorite but…I say that every sin­gle time?!!!” 


“Love the con­ve­nience of the wood com­ing right to my door!! It is good qual­i­ty and love the designs!!”


The projects are well worth it. I look for­ward to cre­at­ing unique home decor for my home and to use as gifts. Thank you for all your amaz­ing ideas!


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I receive? 


Each month mem­bers will receive a brand new hand cut craft wood shape designed by Kaycee and her team! These projects are referred to as “top­pers” that can be craft­ed and nest­ed on top of a dis­play base! That’s what makes the Craft Wood Club So unique…everything we make is inter­change­able for the sea­sons and occasions.

Every­thing from every­day decor shapes to sea­son­al pieces can and will be includ­ed in this mem­ber­ship! Oth­er shapes, top­pers and kits are avail­able for sea­son­al or occa­sion­al pur­chase on the web­site but your CWC top­per is an exclu­sive design just for mem­bers. On occa­sion we have a few extras avail­able but those are at a first come-first serve basis.

Examples of Past Projects

How much is the Craft Wood Club?

$29/month charged on the 1st of each month! That includes EVERYTHING even shipping!

How often do I Receive my craft wood?

You will receive one craft wood cutout at the end of every month. Pack­ages will ship USPS Pri­or­i­ty or Ground Advantage.

When will I be billed and what does it cost?

Can I Cancel at Anytime?

Yes! You can can­cel any­time*, there are no oblig­a­tions! At sign up, you will be invit­ed to cre­ate a cus­tomer por­tal where you can track your box­es and con­trol your sub­scrip­tion includ­ing card and ship­ping info at any time.

*Your order can not be can­celled after it has gone to pro­duc­tion. Pro­duc­tion orders are placed on the 1st of each month and can­cel­la­tions MUST be made before then to avoid charge.