DIY Spindle Carrots

Mak­ing Spring decor using these skin­ny spin­dles from the shop just may be my new obses­sion! Not only was thi project easy, but also, the end result turned out absolute­ly amazing!  What you will need: Spin­dles Miter Saw Green flo­ral stems hot clue orange paint small paint brush twine and/or raffia The process start­ed out fair­ly sim­ple. I…

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DIY Outdoor Spindle Projects

With Spring on the hori­zon, my mind is start­ing to drift to fresh­en­ing up my out­door spaces. Since mov­ing to our new home­stead we have put all of our atten­tion and ener­gy into clean­ing up the out­door spaces but I am ready to start think­ing of all things pret­ty. I have nev­er real­ly giv­en much…

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Easy Vintage Stamped Lamp Shade

This DIY has got to be one of the eas­i­est cre­ations I have made in a while. It took me all of 5 min­utes, maybe less to com­plete this DIY. It all start­ed with a plain lamp shade, stamps and a love for all things vin­tage. If you have these three things handy then you…

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How to Make A DIY Succulent Planter

Suc­cu­lents are mak­ing a huge state­ment in mod­ern farm­house décor right now! What I love the most about this DIY Suc­cu­lent Planter is it takes a mod­ern trend and puts a rus­tic spin on it! Not only is this lit­tle suc­cu­lent cute but it was so so fun to make. With a cou­ple thrifty finds and…

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Dollar Tree Bowl Filler

I love using sim­ple items and bring­ing them togeth­er to cre­ate a unique piece of decor for my home. Today’s project does just that. After a recent trip to my local Dol­lar Tree I came home with some flo­ral moss, a bag of riv­er rocks and wood slices. Instead of just sim­ply throw­ing every­thing in…

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Rustic Farmhouse Kitchen Makeover

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be shar­ing images of my new­ly updat­ed dream kitchen I would have lol’d…BIG TIME! We were no where near buy­ing our for­ev­er home, in fact, we were rent­ing and bank­ing on buy­ing that place! But God…GOD had dif­fer­ent plans for our fam­i­ly. I…

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A Tiered Tray Styled with DIY Projects

I have nev­er real­ly dec­o­rat­ed for Valen­tine’s Day but I am real­ly enjoy­ing just a sprin­kle of love here and there min­gled with my decor. And after see­ing plen­ty of Valen­tine’s Day trays decked out in bright reds and pinks I decid­ed I want­ed to tone things down a bit and bring some of my…

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Easy Picture Frame Using Paint Sticks

Let me just start by say­ing this project is soooo sim­ple. But do not, I repeat, do not let the sim­plic­i­ty of some­thing fool you. This lit­tle frame packs a pret­ty big punch in the shelf sit­ting are­na. It all start­ed with a craft cart full of ran­dom­ness and a han­kerin to mae some­thing with…

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Simple Heart Clips for Valentine’s Day

Valen­tine’s Day is such a fun lit­tle hol­i­day to me. From mak­ing cards to giv­ing choco­lates, and all the roman­tic things in between; I think it’s fun. Is it super cheesy? Oh my word, yes! haha but… I real­ly don’t mind the label of a hope­less roman­tic if you choose to call me that. Even…

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Winter Decor Ideas for After Christmas

Although it is 60 degrees and I have my win­dows open, win­ter sol­stice has offi­cial­ly arrived here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Lucky for me this year I have focused more on win­ter­ing my decor from the begin­ning of the hol­i­day sea­son. Aside from tak­ing the Christ­mas tree down in a few days there is very lit­tle…

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