For Such A Time

Dear Mama,

Please don’t wish away these pre­cious years. I know you’re tired. I know you want to get back in touch with you’re true self. But please don’t get so wrapped up in the what if’s, and “I can’t wait to’s” and instead soak it in. Soak it all in. Every moment, every late night bot­tle feed­ing, every melt­down. Take it in and love your bless­ings right where you are.

God is bless­ing you RIGHT NOW! Don’t miss it. It’s so easy to get lost in the war with con­tent­ment. We wres­tle with our hearts desires and miss the lit­tle vic­to­ries right in front of us. Give God your very best by stew­ard­ing well with what He has already giv­en you! Start your day by nur­tur­ing the bless­ings you already have instead of plead­ing with God to give you more.

Dear Mama, you got this. Embrace those tiny lit­tle moments that seem so insignif­i­cant. I can assure you that God want­ed you there at that exact time and place. You’re one in a mil­lion and you were designed by a mighty cre­ator that knew exact­ly what the world need­ed when He placed you in it. You were hand-picked by God to moth­er your chil­dren. And though I know how easy it is to wish away our frus­tra­tions just remem­ber that you, Mama, have a pur­pose RIGHT NOW, not yes­ter­day not when all your ducks are in a row or when your house is clean but for this time, in this moment.

“Per­haps you were cre­at­ed for such a time as this. ”

Esther 4:14

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